Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Architecture Shots

Milbrae Sign (detail)
Milbrae Chase Bank

Chase Bank Detail

Milbrae BART Big Shot

Milbrae BART Interior

Milbrae BART Detail

Friday, January 21, 2011

Landscape Photography -- DRAFT, not finished

Camera Setting:

- Most all landscape photos have a very small aperture (big number) so that the depth of field is increased
- This means that longer expoures must take place for the camera to capture enough light.
-To make sufre that these long exposure are sharp using a tripod is imparitive.
-Generally, wide angle lenses are better as they can capture a larger field of view, but loinger lenses still work as the subjects are so far away.
-Lighting is a major part of landscape photography, especially at night
-Fortunatley, the long exposures, allow for alot of light to enter the frame, and allows us to experiment greatly with colors.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Architectural Notes

Architechtural photography allows you to show the beauty in a building or home.

It allows you top interpert a seemingly plain building the the image that you see it.

It also allows for long exposure photgraphs as buildings obviously do not ever move.

Camera Settings:

-use a small er aperture (bigger nuimber) so that you can have a greatyer depth of field and expand the range that is in fcous.

-Use slow shutter speeds to capture enough light, and help show emotion in the photo.

-Using photshop can help greatly in takiong out things that you dont want, and greater emphasizing things in the frame

-I have always been a fan of adding a large vignette around the boparder of the frame, like here:

-Usinfg filters to change the color of the frame, or to make it balck and white is often helpful.
-Triopods are a necessity for shooting exposures faster than 1/100 of a seconsd as there will be too much shaking and the exposure will be blurry.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Movie Notes

-A Shutter can be open for any amount of time
-Longer exposures let people see things they had literaslly never seen before
-Babe ruth made thousands of dollars playing baseball, he made millions in photo endorusments
-photos can stimulate all aspents of a human's senses.
-one newspapers logo was a camera with a wing on each side
-the daily news, 1919, was considered the worst tabloid in the country
-It had more sex, drugs, and scandals, than any other amgazine
-Witht the evolution of phoots in the media people could now become celebrities in the media
-Acotrs, athletes, scientists, and anyone doing anything interesting could be famous, as long as they looked good in pictures
-People thought the 1930s were the peak of the photograph, but they had uyet to make their presence in the media